
The Gallery currently consists of twenty-four exhibits (thirty-one individuals profiled) with more, perhaps, to be added.

Creativity is the underlying theme of the Gallery, its many forms and the benefits it brings to oneself and others.

I admire each of the individuals profiled and from each I feel I have learned something of value.

I hope you find the exhibits interesting. There is, in my opinion, wonderful artwork throughout the gallery as well as ideas and initiatives worth considering.

David Thomas

NOTE: As with galleries in general, there is a lot to “take in” here. Sample the exhibits in whatever order you like and then, return for more. Each exhibit is its own statement. Taken together, however, all are connected to and convey an underlying theme. What is that theme? Creativity, perhaps… that’s what I was aiming for… all exhibits connected to and together conveying the concept of creativity in the same way a box of sixty-four crayons conveys the concept color. An idea or concept that requires many examples before it comes into focus. That is the idea behind the Gallery.