Poster Series
The posters that follow offer the following: Poster One – an overview of the game of life, i.e., the journey we are on as we develop and mature… as we attempt to realize our inherent possibilities; Poster Two – the ethics that help orient us as we travel, the ethics that educate, mature and enlighten us; and Poster Three – a strategy for keeping alive the vision for an ever-evolving community, city or region.
Note: You will have to zoom in to read the posters. If you have a sufficiently large printer, you have my permission to print the posters keeping my copyright intact. If you would like to purchase the posters, contact me at [email protected].
Poster One –

Poster Two –

Poster Three –

The following “Model for Furthering Community Development” was made in 2007. Much in this schematic could be updated. Still, I believe that it could be of value (in part or in whole) to those engaged in large scale community development efforts.

David Thomas, PhD